HOME is a one day show happening in Williamsburg Brooklyn when it's safe to be in large gatherings. It was originally intended for May 2nd, 2020 but we all know what happened. We will be showcasing multimedia work made by immigrants pursuing artistic opportunities in the United States. HOME aims to give artists across different nationalities and mediums a space to express themselves in a country of opportunity, during a time when opportunities feel like they’re growing increasingly sparse. Being a non-citizen is often a difficult limitation for people in creative fields more than in others. HOME aims to create community, a safe space that honors and exhibits the multiple talents of the people that constitute America’s diversity. HOME welcomes submissions from artists who have come to this country from all parts of the world. We hope to create a symbolic shelter for those who, in some way or another, recognize this land as a HOME. At the moment we are open to global submissions from every art medium and will be taking a digital form. In a space filled with art, music and diversity, we want to show the world that we, the quirky, brave, talented, aliens of America, have a voice that itches to be heard.

Email: info@homeartexpo.com

Theater, Film, and Dance
Send your theater, film and dance proposals and/or scripts. These can be incomplete ideas that you will shape in the following weeks leading to the show, performances you have created or shows you've been in already and would like to revisit. The pieces should be limited to 30 minutes. Additionally, make sure to attach your resume/CV to your email submission, please.

2D and 3D
We are currently accepting 3-8 pieces per artist. In your email submission please tell us about your art and and attach images of the pieces you’d like to exhibit. Additionally, please attach your resume/CV and if possible.

Plays, Scripts, Pilots & More
We are completely aware of the restrictions and limitations COVID19 has brought about in performances and rehearsal time so we encourage our artists to please submit any written work they may have that they would like to share with the HOME community and webpage

United States immigration policies make it increasingly difficult for international artists to establish themselves within the country. For many young artists, not having citizenship means that opportunities are constantly dwindling. HOME looks to build a space where opportunities are equal, and not lesser for us by creating an environment where international creatives are not only welcome, but encouraged to exist, speak and manifest their differences. At HOME, we will be able to breathe, to exist outside of the limitations that so often paralyze those of us trying to survive in a social and political environment that easily makes us feel unwelcome.
To obtain an O-1 visa, artists need a large network of support, an expansive legal strategy, a lot of hard work, and a decent dose of luck. As those of us committed to this struggle push forward to fight for our right to stay here, we need growing audiences of active listeners who can vouch for an understand our fight. Immigrant voices are loud, and scream to be heard. Please feel free to tell your friends and community about HOME. Spread the word. Encourage those around you to submit, volunteer or simply come to the show. HOME and the many voices that will contribute to it, will add to a growing narrative of immigrants in America aching to be heard.
"If opportunities weren't going to be easily available to me, I was going to create the opportunities myself. That's how HOME came about and I wasn't going to leave anyone behind. I want people in my similar situation to be empowered, welcomed, heard and cherished."
SofÃa Figueroa
If you are an OPT artists seeking the O-1 Visa or an O-1 Visa artist, send us your information here or to the email found at the bottom
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York